Judith Joy Ross :没有公式,只有风格

摄影师 朱迪思·乔伊·罗斯


Judith Joy Ross

朱迪思·乔伊·罗斯 1946年出生宾夕法尼亚州,1970年在伊利诺斯技术理工大学获得摄影硕士学位。 主要从事肖像摄影艺术,但她的工作地点不在工作室,而是在街道和其他公共场所。对朱迪思·乔伊·罗斯来说,肖像摄影是一种理解周围人情感真相的方式。

Judith Joy Ross was born in 1946 in Pennsylvania, she earned her Master's Degree in photography in 1970 at the Illinois Insitute of Technology. She mainly did portrait photographic art but her workplace was not in an office, it was on the streets and other public areas. For Ross, portrait photography is a kind of way to understand the real emotions of people around her.



Judith Joy Ross is not an artist who follows a formula, she risked starting over every time. Of course, she does have her own plain style, but it cannot replace the content.


摄影师黛安·阿勃丝(Diane Arbus)说,朱迪思·乔伊·罗斯不会任意摆布她的拍摄对象,而是根据他们原有的样子拍摄。甚至偶尔让自己和拍摄对象都保持在最舒适的状态下来进行创作。

Photographer Diane Arbus said, Judith Joy Ross does not arrange her subjects, instead, she shoots according to the subject. Occasionally, she will have both herself and her subjects to be at the most comfortable condition when creating her works.



Her works are as clear as water, there are no marks of polishing. Ross used a view camera, because of the size, openness needs to be maintained when shooting at characters, and she prints by contact, which results in the most subtle rendition. This kind of photographing and printing promoted the works' clarity.



Did the work we see lose reality? Although the children have smiles on their faces, we can tell from her photos that the nature of life is miserable. If children begin to realize how to present themselves, that means they felt the pain. Therefore, it is better to not let the children know that they are being photographed and to have the photographer control how to form the photo. This way, innocence is kept.



The photos of Ross are a recording of compassion and pain, we can feel it when we observe her photos, like the children's tentative smile, the impulsion of trust to her, and the real self in front of her.


由Joshua Chuang策划、Fundación MAPFRE制作全面展示朱迪思·乔伊·罗斯40年艺术成果的回顾展,于2021年9月 24日至2022年1月9日在西班牙马德里Fundación MAPFRE(Paseo de Recoletos, 23,28004 Madrid,Spain)举办,有兴趣的朋友可以前往参观。

Planned by Joshua Chuang, produced by Fundación MAPFRE, the retrospective exhibition of Judith Joy Ross' forty years of artistic achievement will be held in Paseo de Recoletos, 23, 28004 Madrid, Spain from September 24, 2021, to January 9, 2022.

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整理/ Organize:Lisa

编译/ Cindy & Mary

审核/ Celine & Louis

制作/ Produce:AIPU

AIPU工作微信 /Work WeChat:AIPU-2015  


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