2020 “Our World”
Online Photography Exhibition
主办单位 Host:
"NightStar" Optics
承办单位 Organizer:
American International Photographer Union
征集类别 Categories:
Social Life, Landscape, Artistic Creation Photographic Works
征稿时间 Time:
From now on to December 31, 2020(EST Time)
荣誉设置 Awards:
金奖 1 名 颁发获奖证书+“黑夜之星”提供的奖品
Gold Award: 1 Winner
Present Award Certificate + Prize provided by "NightStar"
银奖 3名 颁发获奖证书+“黑夜之星”提供的奖品
Silver Award: 3 Winners
Present Award Certificate + Prize provided by "NightStar"
佳作奖 5名 颁发获奖证书+“黑夜之星”提供的奖品
Honor Award: 5 Winners
Present Award Certificate + Prize provided by "NightStar"
Winners will be invited to attend the "2021 New York International Photography Art Show".
Winner Announced Date: January 10, 2021
参展方式 Participation Method:
Professional or amateur photographers and photography lovers are all welcome, no registration fee needed.
Submission Method: Please send the works to the above email address
参展要求 Requirements
1. 参展作品数量:每个主题限投一幅(组) 组照不超过10幅 黑白彩色作品均可
Quantity of participating works: only one(group or single) per topic, a group photo cannot exceed 10 images, black-and-white or colored are all acceptable.
2. 参展作品风格不限
Style is not limited
3. JPG格式,每幅作品不小于 1M不超过6M。参赛作品一律不添加边框、水印、文字;纪录类作品不得对原始影像进行修改。
In JPG format, each work cannot be less than 1M nor over 6M. The participating works should not include any frames, marks, texts; documentary works should be done with no changes in the original image.
4. 组照不超过10幅,注明(组照)字样,并按先后顺序编号。
A group photo cannot exceed 10 images, note the format(Group) and the number of sequences.
5. 投稿者必须在邮件中按照以下格式提供信息:
The contributor must provide information in the email following the format below:
Real name
Title of the work(Subtitles can be added to group photos)
Description of the creation time, place, device, and others within 100 words
作者通讯地址 Contact Address:
联系电话 Contact Cell Phone:
邮箱 Email:
6. 主办方有权在相关宣传、展览和出版中使用所有入展作品和入选作品,不再支付稿酬。
The host has the right to use all selected works and exhibition works in related publicity, exhibitions, and publications without paying remuneration again.
7. 投稿作品不得侵犯他人的著作权、肖像权、名誉权、隐私权。若有第三方对图片中的人、建筑或其他事物提出权利方面的声明或不满,投稿者应对图片引发或可能引发的法律事务承担全部责任,主办方不承担因入围参展作品所致的所有纠纷而产生的法律责任;
The contributing works should not violate the copyrights, portrait rights, reputation rights, and privacy rights of others. If a third party makes a statement or dissatisfaction with the rights of people, buildings, or other things in the picture, the contributor shall bear full responsibility for the legal affairs caused or possibly caused by the picture. The host will not be responsible for all disputes and legal responsibilities caused by the shortlisted works.
8. 凡不符合参展要求的作品,一经发现主办方有权在不通知作者的情况下取消参赛资格。
If there are any works that do not match the requirements of the exhibition, the host has the right to cancel the eligibility of the author without notification.
9. 主办方有权调取拟获奖作品的大尺寸定稿文件和原始数据,若逾期未提供者视为自动放弃获奖资格。
The host has the right to retrieve the large-size finalized documents and original data of the works to be awarded. If fail to provide them within the time limit, the winner will be deemed to have automatically given up their qualifications of awards.
10. 主办方将向获奖摄影师邮寄奖品和证书。
The host will mail the prize and certification to the awarded photographer.
11. 一经投稿,投稿人即视为同意并遵守以上各条规定。
Once submitted, the contributor shall be deemed to agree to and abide by the above provisions.
12. 主办方保留本次摄影大赛的最终解释权。
The host reserves the right of final interpretation of this photo contest.
Submission Method: Please send the works to the above email address
欢迎收藏作品/ Welcome to Collect Works
整理/ Organize:Lisa
编译/Edit & Translate:Cindy & Mary
制作/ Produce:AIPU
AIPU工作微信 /Work WeChat:AIPU-2015
Welcome to join the membership of the American International Photographer Union (AIPU)